Category: Business Consulting and Planning

Business Consulting and Planning

UPDATED – Retirement Savers, Retirees Receive Penalty-Free Financial Relief Under CARES Act by Joanie B. Stein, CPA

Posted on May 20, 2020 by Joanie Stein

The CARES Act lifts restrictions on 401(k) plans, IRAs and certain other retirement savings plans to provide plan participants with immediate financial assistance and make it easier for employers to adopt these critical relief provision. It is important for plan sponsors to weigh the benefits of these relief measures and recognize the specific administrative rules they […]

IRS Disallows Deductions for Business Expenses Paid with Forgiven PPP Loan Amounts by Angie Adames, CPA

Posted on May 12, 2020 by Angie Adames

The IRS released guidance on April 30, 2020, prohibiting businesses from deducting any normally deductible expenses they pay using funds from a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan that later becomes forgiven. Businesses must consider these tax implications, and any subsequent guidance, before applying for or accepting PPP loans. The CARES Act introduced PPP loans to provide immediate […]

State and Local Tax Considerations for Businesses Under the CARES Act by Karen A. Lake, CPA

Posted on May 04, 2020 by Karen Lake

While the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act contains many business-friendly tax provisions, it also serves as a reminder that state and local business tax laws do not always conform with those on the federal level. Consequently, businesses may be subject to different multistate tax rules and liabilities, depending on where their companies […]

Nonresident Aliens, Foreign Businesses, U.S. Expats May Receive Relief from U.S. Tax Problems Arising from COVID-19 by Arthur Dichter, JD, LLM

Posted on April 30, 2020 by Arthur Dichter

The IRS has issued a series of guidance providing relief for nonresident alien individuals, foreign businesses and U.S. expats living and working abroad who may be adversely affected by the COVID-19 international travel restrictions and forced to prolong their stays in the United States. In general, individuals who meet U.S. residency tests are considered resident […]

Have You Suffered Any Losses Due to COVID-19? Some 2020 Losses May Be Deductible in 2019 by Arthur J. Lieberman

Posted on April 27, 2020 by Art Lieberman

The COVID-19 crisis has caused major economic hardship for many companies, making it imperative for businesses of all kinds to increase cash flow to ensure survival. Taxpayers should not overlook the potential to reduce 2019 taxes and/or generate refunds of taxes previously paid from 2014 through 2018 by making an election to deduct eligible 2020 […]

UPDATED – CARES Act Loan Recipients Must Take Care to Avoid Potentially Fraudulent Acts by Richard Fechter, JD, CFE, CAMS

Posted on April 16, 2020 by Richard Fechter

The CARES Act provides billions of dollars in much-needed financial assistance to millions of U.S. businesses and not-for-profit organizations struggling to survive the economic realities of the COVID-19 pandemic. To apply for and obtain government-backed loans, eligible entities must take special care to understand and abide by all the specific rules applicable to each financial-assistance […]

CARES Act Eases Limitation on Business Interest Expense Deductions, Special Rules Apply to Partnerships by Heath Standorf, CPA

Posted on April 15, 2020 by Heath Standorf

To help businesses improve cash flow and manage rising debt in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the CARES Act allows certain taxpayers to deduct more business interest expense than was previously allowed under existing law. This, combined with other provisions of the government’s $2.3 trillion coronavirus stimulus package CARES Act, can provide businesses with […]