Category: International Tax

International Tax

U.S. Taxpayers Living Abroad May Have Opportunities to Claim Tax Refunds for Foreign Tax Credits Applied Against Net Investment Income Tax by Andrew Leonard, CPA

Posted on July 17, 2024 by Andrew Leonard

A recent decision by the U.S. Court of Federal Claims may open the door to a potential deluge of requests for tax refunds from U.S. citizens and resident aliens living or working in foreign countries with which the U.S. has an income tax treaty. In Christensen v. United States, the court interpreted the U.S.-France Income […]

FASB Approves More Detailed Income Tax Reporting Standard for Public and Private Companies by Brent Leslie, CPA

Posted on October 31, 2023 by Brent Leslie

The Financial Account Standards Board (FASB) recently voted to approve a new accounting standard that will require U.S. businesses to disclose significantly more details about their global income tax liabilities beginning as early as 2025. The move is a part of the FASB’s larger effort to improve the effectiveness of disclosures in the financial statement […]

Trends in International Tax Reporting, Failure to File Penalties by Joel G. Young, JD, LLM

Posted on May 02, 2023 by Joel Young

U.S. tax law requires taxpayers to annually report many of their cross-border activities, including the existence of foreign bank accounts, interests in foreign companies and large gifts from foreign persons. While most of these reports are merely informational and have no bearing on taxpayers’ actual U.S. tax liabilities, failing to file the appropriate forms or […]

Partnerships and S Corporations Face New K-2 and K-3 Filing Requirements by Claribel Velazquez, CPA

Posted on March 08, 2023 by Claribel Velazquez

Beginning with tax year 2021, the IRS required partnerships, S corporations and other pass-through entities with “international tax relevance” to annually prepare new Schedules K-2, Partners’ Distributive Share Items – International, and K-3, Partner’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc. – International along with their Schedules K and K-1. Today, however, as these entities prepare […]

Tax Efficient Pre-Immigration Planning Takes Time by Magda Szabo, CPA, JD, LLM

Posted on January 10, 2023 by Magda Szabo

The United States continues to be a destination for foreign citizens to invest their assets, conduct business and, in many cases, make their permanent home. Those individuals seeking U.S. residency often find the path to citizenship lined with a wealth of opportunities, a broad range of new responsibilities and costly liabilities, including U.S. income tax, […]

Answers to Frequently Asked FATCA Reporting Questions by James W. Spencer, CPA

Posted on November 14, 2022 by Jim Spencer

The U.S. government first enacted the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) over a decade ago to combat the global issue of tax evasion and make it more difficult for individuals and businesses to hide assets offshore and outside the purview of U.S. tax authorities. While foreign financial institutions bear much of the responsibility for […]