Category: Real Estate

Real Estate

Pain Points Persist for Qualified Opportunity Zone Investors, Developers by Arthur J. Lieberman

Posted on January 09, 2024 by Art Lieberman

Opportunity Funds are entering their seventh year since being introduced under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. While initial hiccups from slow guidance and COVID are now behind us, new issues, challenges and pain points continue to emerge for investors and sponsors. Tax Benefits of Qualified Opportunity Funds  As a refresher, qualifying investments […]

A Cautionary Tale About Expert Testimony in Damages Calculations by Joel Glick, CPA/CFF, CFE, CGMA

Posted on September 19, 2023 by Joel Glick

A Pennsylvania judge recently vacated a plaintiff’s $25 million damages award based on the plaintiff’s expert failure to provide at trial “a sufficient factual basis” for the numbers he relied on for calculating lost profits. Although the judge in Paramount Financial: Civil Action Communications, et al. v. Broadridge investor: Communications Solutions agreed with the jury’s […]

Expanded Tax Credit for Businesses Installing Alternative Fuel Refueling, Recharging Equipment by Claribel Velazquez, CPA

Posted on August 01, 2023 by Claribel Velazquez

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) includes several tax credits and deductions intended to incentivize taxpayers to adopt alternative energy solutions in their homes and businesses. One such credit applies to the installation of products or facilities that store or dispense alternative fuels to motor vehicles, including electric charging stations and bidirectional charging equipment. […]