Posted on March 17, 2022
Sandi Perez
The Florida legislature has finally made good on its decade-long attempt to change the state’s alimony laws, approving SB 1796 and sending it to Governor DeSantis. With the governor’s signature, the new law would go into effect on July 1, 2022, and apply to open cases as of that date and to new cases filed thereafter. […]
Posted on February 16, 2022
Scott Bouchner
To recover lost profits or other economic damages in a civil lawsuit, a plaintiff must not only be able to establish liability and show that a defendant perpetrated a wrongful act, but, as the Florida Supreme Court decided in W.W. Gay Mechanical Contractor, Inc. v. Wharfside Two, Ltd., 545 So.2d 1348 (1989), a plaintiff must […]
Posted on September 22, 2021
Richard Pollack
Seasoned litigators consider forensic accountants their secret weapon when defending cases involving economic damages. By relying on carefully honed skills to investigate, audit and uncover often-complicated financial transactions, forensic accountants can sort through mountains of data to connect seemingly unrelated dots and identify hidden assets or instances of fraud. In addition to identifying financial facts, […]
It has been almost 20 years to the day that one of the country’s largest publicly traded companies filed for bankruptcy protection amid what continues to be cited as one of the largest accounting frauds in history. However, since the collapse of Enron and subsequent enactment of legislation to prevent similar scandals, corporate fraud and […]
The 1,312-foot Ever Given container ship wedged across the Suez Canal for six days in late March upended global trade and created a bottleneck of nearly 400 vessels unable to meet their contractual delivery obligations. Today, even as ships pass freely through the critical waterway that carries 12 percent of the world’s trade volume, businesses […]
Posted on December 22, 2020
Daniel Hughes
It has been nine months since millions of businesses were forced to shut down due to COVID-19 only to learn that their insurers would not payout claims for business interruption losses. While the courts have dismissed a significant number of legal actions filed by policyholders against insurers for breach of contract, it appears the tides […]
Posted on November 23, 2020
Richard Fechter
As millions of business owners and independent contractors seek forgiveness of much-needed Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans they received in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many are surprised to find themselves the subject of fraud investigations by the federal government. Last week, the Justice Department announced it already has publicly charged more than 80 […]
Posted on October 29, 2020
Miami, Fl. — On October 29, 2020, Legal Services of Greater Miami, Inc. (Legal Services) recognized the volunteer services of over 340 attorneys and professional partners at its 2020 Pro Bono Celebration. The virtual event honored the pro bono volunteers who made extraordinary contributions throughout the year and during COVID-19. Pro bono volunteers took on […]
Although the U.S. government postponed its plan last week to vote on a bill that could legalize marijuana use at the federal level, the rapidly growing cannabis business remains alive and well at the state level. There are currently 33 states that have legalized marijuana for medical use, 11 of which have also legalized use […]
According to the Association of Fraud Examiners (ACFE) “2020 Report to the Nations,” a growing number of businesses that fell victim to occupational fraud between 2018 and 2019 disciplined perpetrators privately rather than referring them to public law enforcement for criminal prosecution. Yet, while there has been a steady increase in civil suits and private […]