
Tag Archives: litigation support

What Constitutes Best Evidence to Support Claims of Economic Damages? by Scott Bouchner, CMA, CVA, CFE, CIRA

Posted on September 07, 2022 by Scott Bouchner

In cases involving economic damages, attorneys have an obligation to prove lost profits with “reasonable certainty” based on the use of “best evidence.” Considering that the courts have not agreed on one universally accepted standard for defining “best evidence,” such decisions inevitably rely on the facts and circumstances of each individual case. As a result, […]

Tips for Legal Counsel Working with Forensic Accountants by Richard Pollack, CPA

Posted on September 22, 2021 by Richard Pollack

Seasoned litigators consider forensic accountants their secret weapon when defending cases involving economic damages.  By relying on carefully honed skills to investigate, audit and uncover often-complicated financial transactions, forensic accountants can sort through mountains of data to connect seemingly unrelated dots and identify hidden assets or instances of fraud. In addition to identifying financial facts, […]